Episode 14: Imposter Syndrome

Let’s talk about Imposter Syndrome.

In this episode I’m sharing a strategy I came up with to help you kick it to the curb.

Imposter Syndrome can creep in at any time. No one is immune.

👉 The key is not to avoid it, but to learn how to overcome it.

Accept that it happens. You are human. Be gentle with yourself.

Do not try to fight or suppress it.

When we learn how to manage and gracefully overcome Imposter Syndrome, we can grasp REAL success.

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Episode 13: Understanding Esteem and Self Esteem

Esteem vs. Self-Esteem 💭⚡

Here is how I break it down: 👇

Esteem ➝ A high respect and high regard
Self-Esteem ➝ How we see and treat ourselves
High Self-Esteem ➝ A high respect for ourselves and our self-worth; believing we deserve everything that our thoughts, minds, and bodies truly need to thrive.

High self-esteem and ego get clumped together, but they’re two very separate concepts.

High self-esteem is believing you are worthy of awesome things.

Ego is believing you deserve all the credit for the creation of your awesomeness.

Your self-worth and amazingness do not stem from your own actions and achievements.

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Episode 12: Building a Business is Like a Baking Layer CakeScaling your business is like baking a layer cake. 🍰

You start with your foundation, and it looks delicious.

You wanted to bake a cake, and guess what? You did!

As you build more layers, you have to bring in more support. Icing, interior scaffolding, fondant (yeah, I’ve watched a couple of episodes of Cake Boss) to keep the layers from sliding or breaking.

As your business grows beyond that first successful layer, you need to call in more support.

You can’t expect to run a $1,000,000+ business the same way you run a $100,000 business.

They’re totally different cakes.

The flavors, toppings, and colors you use are completely up to you, but I’ve got a tried and true recipe for you to use. 📝

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😯A quick clip from this weeks @empoweru_radioshow

Tune in and hear all about…

Episode 11: But, just produce more CONTENT!

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Episode 11: But, just produce more CONTENT!

I hear this all the time, or I hear…What is the best kind of content to be writing?

Let me share 2 simple tips for content…1st know who you’re talking to! 

If you have not done the work to dial in your ideal client.  You will be just spewing out jargon to the unheard ear!

Dial it in…Many times in the coaching world our ideal client is a past version of ourselves.  It might actually be us…3-5 years ago.

Get the rest of the fresh new episode!

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Relentless Persistence

Persistence: firm or obstinate continuance in a course of action in spite of difficulty or opposition.

How did I develop my PERSISTENCE?

How can you develop YOUR PERSISTENCE?

Listen TODAY for my simple 4 Step Framework to build persistence!

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Episode 10: Be an Innovator!

So many times in my life I have found myself outside the normal.  

Outside the trend of what people are currently doing…what is considered the normal level of service or practice and even living.

I almost always found myself doing this because I found that… 

What I was currently doing was not working WELL enough for me & the people I serve…It may have been working well enough for some…for some to have mediocre results & success.  

But…I AM NOT MEDIOCRE to mediocre was never ever enough. 

If I was getting average or mediocre results…I looked for MORE, I looked for NEW ways, I looked for BETTER ways!

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Episode 7: The POWER of Alignment! Is NOW LIVE!

Are you struggling to find the right answers to build your business?

Are you feeling alone & on an island when running & building your business?

The POWER of Alignment with like minded individuals is a time tested method of building a thriving business of your dreams!

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EmpowerU Radio exposes you to the evidence based truth with balanced holistic business and life coaching behind all things Leadership, Mindset, Health, Nutrition and Energy Balance. Your host Eric Gahan is a holistic business and life coach with 20 years experience. Join Eric as he EmpowersU through Education and Mindset! EmpowerU Radio Show airs fresh material(content) every Monday.

EmpowerU Radio show will help YOU to THRIVE in business, mindset, and a balanced lifestyle.

Go have a listen! LISTEN HERE 😀

Online Wellness entrepreneurs are famous for bending their boundaries to make a sale.

(Want to learn how to tighten up those boundaries and charge smarter? EmpowerU Business Academy is enrolling now.)

Have you fallen into this trap?

You have your offers laid out neatly on your website.

You’ve got them proudly displayed on your sales pages.

You’ve linked to them in your marketing copy and they are easily accessed by the link in your Instagram bio.

And then someone contacts you and asks you for something that falls outside of these carefully drawn lines.

That person is waving money at you.

But they’re not your ideal client.

Or they’re asking you for an in-person service when you’re strictly online.

Or they’re asking for a 1:1 rate when you are offering a group.

It’s HARD to say no to money waving in your face– especially if you’re feeling the squeeze on your bills that month.

So, if you’re like most online wellness entrepreneurs, you will bend to get a sale.

You will invent pricing, promise things you’ll regret, and serve people who aren’t aligned with your vision.

One online nutrition practitioner we know actually invented a scholarship on a sales call just to make a sale at half her rate.

This is the desperation and panic of online service providers, and almost all of us go through this phase on our way to our successful, aligned businesses.

  • Do you struggle to price your services?
  • Are you confused about how to create and define your offers?
  • Do you choke on your words when you present your pricing to prospective clients?
  • Do you feel like you’re doing WAY more work than you agreed to do?
  • Do you flex your pricing and offers based on what fits for your clients, instead of having a service list with set-in-stone prices?

This sh*t is not easy, and it’s not always intuitive.

In EmpowerU Business Academy, we help you create badass offers and price them in a way that sells and appropriately reflects your time and talents.

As an online wellness provider, you ARE your product.

When you negotiate your time, resources, and pricing, you are really negotiating your own value.

You’re telling yourself, “I don’t deserve the price I’m charging.”

You’re giving into those limiting beliefs that tell you, “You should just take the money and feel lucky that someone will actually pay you to do this.”

That mindset keeps you stuck.

EmpowerU Business Academy is a 12-week group business coaching program to help online wellness entrepreneurs 2-5x their monthly revenue by taking their business online, crushing their limiting beliefs, maximizing their technical operations, and selling on social.

We spend 12 weeks teaching you everything you need to know to get your offers, marketing, and backend in line.

And we use the Law of Attraction and other spiritual principles to help you get out of your own damn way so your business can finally be the success you expected.

Do you want to finally launch the rockets on your business and be the Empowered Entrepreneur you know you can be?

From our aligned offer stack to yours,

Eric + Artemis

P.S. EBA is our most popular and successful business and mindset training program– and for good reason. The results our clients see are next level. Sign up now.